“I am confident that people who workout with Lee will enjoy it and reap the immediate benefits!”

I first noticed Lee when he was training other clients. In his interaction with those clients, I noticed that his approach was distinct and was dependent upon each client’s personality along with his/her objectives (I spoke directly with clients after their workout with Lee – for feedback).  I decided to sign-up on a trial basis and have continued training with Lee for 3 years now with no intention of stopping.

As I have a limited amount of time in the gym (like everyone else), maximizing the results in that time was important.  The results have been noticeable in all aspects of my life including: confidence in the ability to defend myself, an overall increased level of energy, clarity in thought in my job, enhanced performance in sports, and some weight loss along with increased muscle mass – all of which corresponded to my initial goals. In fact, I play hockey at a very competitive level and my teammates have told me that I am in better shape than anyone else on the team – even though I am the oldest person on the team (some players are 20 years younger than me)! My colleagues and friends have also noticed quite a difference!

Lee’s professional approach coupled with his personality made it enjoyable to work out.  He has a unique approach to motivating people without the use of force or intimidation (although he will provide it if you request it).  As a result, I found myself looking forward to going to the gym!  In fact, my 3 young boys constantly ask if they can train with Lee – even though they know that they are going to be sore for a few days afterwards.

Another important characteristic about Lee is his passion for his career. He is constantly devising different exercises, so I never know what to expect when I come to the gym, but I do know that I am going to work hard and feel better afterwards.

I am confident that people who workout with Lee will enjoy it and reap the immediate benefits!

Nari Persad – Actuary 

Nari Persad hand pad training with Lee Turner


Deana Kanagasingam

Admittedly, my very first boxing lesson with Lee was a half-hearted attempt to fit in a workout for the day. My exercise routine typically comprised of a run/jog, which I just wasn’t up to that very morning. However, I didn’t want to be a couch potato either, so I decided to attend a session of boxing at my gym in Rosedale just to get my body moving and break a sweat. My philosophy to exercise had always been “something, regardless of how small, is better than nothing”. While I still believe in this framework, Lee showed me I’m sometimes more ready to handle a challenging, intense workout than I think I am when I wake up in the morning.

Lee started the session with some interval skipping, which immediately got my heart rate up. I thought I was pretty fit from all that running but skipping kicked my ass. Within a couple of minutes, I was already out of breath and had to take a quick break before resuming. This is the point of interval cardio: to push you close to your maximum capacity, followed by some active recovery, and then repeat the whole cycle. The benefits of such a method of training have been well-documented, and include increased strength, speed, stamina, agility and fat loss.

Skipping was followed by a series of crunches, lunges, squats and push-ups done back to back, which targeted all the major muscle groups in my body. The last 30 minutes of class involves shadow boxing and hitting the boxing pads that Lee holds up, which is definitely my favourite part; the impact of my punch against the pads is probably one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. Lee’s style of getting the class to comply with his instructions is non-intimidating yet incredibly motivating and inspring. I’ve had trainers who are so laid-back that I don’t take them seriously and as such don’t feel compelled to take my workout up a notch. At the other end of the spectrum, I’ve had trainers who bark out instructions without a crack of a smile. Granted, this method works to the extent that I do complete the exercise but lose my enjoyment for it and probably will never be back for round two. Lee dispenses with just the right amount of tough love: he is firm, assertive and pushes me but not to the point where I am so terrified I no longer take pleasure in what I am doing. I recall sneaking peeks at the clock, but it was actually mostly because I was lamenting the fact that the session was flying by so quickly (and seriously, how many people can say this about their workout?)

By the end of the first training session with Lee, I had totally abandoned my intention of just fitting in a “light” workout for the day. Lee had gotten all the muscles in my body warmed up, and I felt so empowered that I’m ready to go for a fast run right after the session. This experience of having my really “blah” feeling transformed into an adrenaline rush is one that I now visualize before every workout. I start by telling myself “sure, something is better than nothing” but I also remind myself that sometimes all it takes is the right frame of mind to transcend my initial expectations of a workout- and nothing makes it easier than getting into the right frame of mind than finding the right trainer.

One of the things I appreciate most about training with Lee is his intuitive ability to detect when my mind is consumed with thoughts- typically negative. “Are you thinking about how difficult this exercise is or how you can’t do it? Just do it.” he interjects when I am making a half-baked attempt to lift a pair of dumbbells or throw a punch. I smile guiltily but am thankful for the reminder to stop the excessive mind chatter and redirect my energies to the present activity. As I channel all my attention to how my muscles feel while engaged in the exercise, I discover that I am able to lift that much harder. Indeed, research (Zouareg, 2007) suggests that concentration on how muscles feel actually helps to strengthen the neurological connection between the brain and the muscles, prompting the body to use up to 30 percent more muscle fibres during the movement. The lesson here for anyone interested in achieving a far more effective workout session is to simply stop over-rationalizing and let your body take centerstage and be the judge of what you can or cannot do.

Lee’s holistic approach to boxing and exercise certainly facilitates greater mind-body integration. In his view, boxing should be engaged in as “meditation in motion”, which can be considered as a dynamic or active form of meditation in contrast to more tranquil or passive forms such as sitting meditation. Meditation in motion suggests that the mind is immersed in the totality of the present moment, while the body is vibrant and active. While the physiological and psychological benefits of sitting meditation cannot be understated, meditation in motion might be a more realistic and feasible option for many people these days. Often times, people will claim that they have neither the time nor patience to develop a personal practice of meditation. Even Lee admits that although he used to meditate more regularly, he has not done so for awhile and is hoping to resume practice. Fortunately, mindfulness—which emphasises observing the mind/body connection through direct experience– is a philosophy that one can incorporate in any activity of daily life, whether it be boxing, running or eating.


Anna Von training with Lee Turner

Anna Von – Pinkmafia.ca

Here’s 2 stories that end with Concrete Jungle creator, Lee Turner saving my ass:

1. I was hospitalized for a phantom skin infection 2 years ago that caused the doctors to scratch their heads furiously as it worsened. Apparently it’s common in junkies and the elderly. Given that I am neither, they decided to throw every antibotic they had in an iv bag and put me on it for 2 weeks. By the end of it, I looked like Mr. Burns, and a trip tot he grocery store was like a full day ordeal. My trainer at the time told me it would take 6 months of hard work to get me back in the shape I was in before. Enter Lee Turner. We met at a party through friends, he’s a kickboxer and personal trainer. He bet me he’d have me back in shape in a month. Boy was right!

I went from not being able to push more than 2.5 lbs to lifting 25 lbs in 3.5 weeks.

2. 6 months ago, I suddenly gained 10 lbs of fat. Having been both active and trim my entire life, I freaked out. I spent almost 6 weeks trying to beat it off my body. I cut out complex carbs, all processed food and did cardio till I dropped. I thought, “What would Beyonce do?” as I sweat through an entire hour on an elliptical machine 4 mornings a week on top of weight training and swimming. In the end, I lost 3 lbs and I barely managed to convert 5 lbs of fat into muscle. After that, I started to eat. Feeling disgusted with myself every day, I decided to eat chicken wings and pizza and just wallow in it. Didn’t gain a pound, but certainly lost a truck load of self-respect. It took me 3 more months before I showed up on Lee’s door step (a la Florida Jacks), desperate and ready to work.

Read more of Anna’s story here.


Nicole – Registered Nurse 

“Lee helps achieve results. My body is more toned and defined in my 30s than in my teens”

The first day that I met Lee Turner, he said he was “in the business of changing lives”. After being a client for the past year and a half, I believe this to be true!  HE changed my life!

I was lucky enough to be introduced to boxing by my brother-in-law who thought it would be a great idea for me to reduce stress.  He gave me a gift certificate for two training sessions with Lee.  Immediately, I ‘googled’ this man who I knew, only, as the boxer.  I must say that I was intimidated by his website and his muscles, thinking how would I, a nurse who hadn’t done any regular exercise in 10 years, walk into Florida Jack’s Boxing gym and not feel completely out of place.  Surprisingly enough, after my first one hour session and a few minutes in the ring, I was hooked on boxing with Lee.

Lee’s down-to-earth manner, innovative approach and high level of energy made it impossible to resist coming back for more.  I signed up for 10 sessions and the rest is history!  I have been attending regular training sessions with Lee and I have never felt better.  I can honestly say that I look forward to every workout, live in the moment during the workout, and have a feeling of euphoria afterwards.  I leave the gym with a bounce in my step! 

Lee is constantly challenging and pushing me to my limit.  He doesn’t take no or can’t for an answer.  If I say, “I can’t”, he says “WE can”!  He is flexible, reliable, humorous, and charismatic. Lee never does the same workout twice…always adding new elements to the workout to ensure the body is challenged.  He is on my team and helps me succeed by improving myself and achieving my goals.  Lee coaches, not only boxing, but a way of life!  

Lee helps achieve results.  My body is more toned and defined in my 30s than in my teens.  I have improved hand-eye coordination.  I live a healthier lifestyle.  I have more drive.  I am a much stronger (physically, mentally, spiritually), more confident, adaptable woman who has learned that the only constant in life is change…and if I am going to change, I am going to make sure it is for the better (with Lee on my side)!











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