
Personal Training in Toronto by Lee Turner the Former World Champion




For those who dare to be great… One fist.


Ronda Rousey former UFC Bantamweight champion valiantly tried but inevitably lost her belt to Holly Holm a former boxing champion and new UFC champion. Holly Holm shook down the only champion to ever hold a bantamweight belt or title in the UFC. It was a mugging but it wasn’t easy. What is was, was one of the most masterful performances in the Octagon ever!

We want to congratulate UFC’s newly crowned champion Holly Holm and also to add to that Ronda Rousey and womens MMA have been our motivation for our up and coming webseries affectionately called Honey Badgers. It is about these very tough daring women who dare to share their bold stories of assault prevention. They’re real examples of courage. They have MMA female fighters as peers and mentors to empower them with following through on their goal of self-actualization, who are all strong dominant women who don’t quit. Some they know personally, some are just being discovered and some are MMA pioneers who we have the privilege of following through social media and pay per views. These are the alpha women who are out there on the front line. Ten toes to the curb. Street. Front line soldiers. They are ambassadors for martial arts and it’s effectiveness. These are our heroes.

Our Webseries, Honey Badgers Insta teaser/trailer

Full Episodes coming soon….Please leave comments.

Keep the dream alive!

Join our Tribe


Honey Badgers: The Empowering Women Webseries

Our goal is to empower women…

Honey Badgers insta tease trailer

I came up with this idea through my experiences as a martial artist and personal trainer, training women and providing support through active listening. From boys to men, we have always known that women have it more difficult in this world due to the way we view women’s place in our society. Its’s worse than we thought. Women are often victims of assault and this often results in a lasting trauma that they may have to develop skills to let go of the memories and heal.


Upon further examination, through life experiences and having had the privilege of similar conversation with many women of different intersections, and by cross referencing and introspection, I slowly came to understand the depth of the oppression that many women face. I also realized that as a black male that women and people of colour like myself have a similar story of needing to develop more techniques to handle those challenging situations when it comes to oppressive behaviours, such as discrimination and oppression due to privilege, directed against us. This set the tone to create a women’s Counter Assault Training Self-Defence fightclub That metamorphosized into this webseries project that we now affectionately call Honey Badgers.


Strength in Unity!

Remember the military phrase an enemy of an enemy is my friend? This became so relevant when I realized that we had all these intersections of common ground that we share. As a martial artist and an activist I’ve been trying to find a solution to women being downpressed by the male patriarchal system dominating us and the world. If we are truly “out of many, one people “, then regardless of gender, race, class, orientation You are all on our team. One Love. Aboriginal, same team, women same team. Until the philosophy that holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited, everywhere is War! This also applies to groups of people, cultures, societies, gated communities, we must come together to fix the world.

In retrospect, my thirst for personal development has led me here so that this can also liberate myself and my team. Hindsight has shown me that the empathy was really sympathy because I don’t identify as a woman but I can feel some of their pain…now. Ultimately this project has helped me by personally allowing me to be ever more conscious as a man and compassionate while allowing me as a problem solver and an architect for change to find a solution to permanently transform the system that enables the powers that be to downpress us, our women and all humanity which extends to the entire earth and her inhabitants.

Introduction to Jiu-Jitsu class

Our Origin Story
If you’re familiar with the African proverb It never rains on just one roof then you understand that we’re all in this together so we must lift up each other so that we can climb higher. Armed with this information we formed a T.E.A.M which means Together. Everyone. Achieves.More. We adopted the Honey Badger as our mentor and spirit guide, the most ferocious and tenacious of all animals, voted pound for pound champion in the animal kingdom for toughness, intelligence and cunning. This is the beginning. Our goal is growth.

The canvas for our art looks like…

Our intent is to continue to gather intriguing stories of situations that actually happened with alternate endings or what if scenarios written by our exceptional writers and showcase them using our multimedia platform, Concrete Jungle TV, in order to promote the intangible things less talked about like consciousness, easing people’s suffering, innerstanding, crossing invisible boundaries,privilege, breaking glass ceilings, etc…

Our Mantra!

We believe that to achieve you must first conceive then believe. With this as one of our mottos we are empowering women worldwide with scenarios of conquering women achieving victory through hard-fought battles with our camouflaged common adversarial downpressor, the reigning heavyweight champion has no name, however…

justice league

Are you talking about “The Man”?

You could say that colonialism introduced the male patriarchal system and also racism, homophobia, sexism, misogyny and is imbedded in the government, finance, wage structure, business structure, western culture, it is against women, so-called minorities, Indigenous people and mother earth.

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Our response to violence?

These downpressive people describe themselves as the majority when they are only a small percent of the population. They only understand power and force. This is how we fight back against force. Men need to understand that they should protect women and not antagonize them. They are our mothers, sisters, and daughters, not our slaves or our entitlement or our spoils.

Who are we?

We are those who oppose and sometimes get chose to turn in our hats for halos, who see it as our duties as protectors of the planet to intervene on behalf of all those who are downpressed and will stop at nothing to free their spirit and their minds while we continue to free our own. We acknowledge that it is an ongoing process that will take many lifetimes. We are fighting for our spirit and our light. Help us help you help others. Blessings

  • Short Bio – Lee Turner AKA. Xiaolin

Super Lee


I am Lee Turner a former champion in various martial arts. Black Belt. I am the founder/grandmaster of Concrete Jungle. I am currently a teacher, personal trainer under the umbrella of martial arts consultant which covers everything. My day consists of training my clients in physical fitness, nutrition, boxing, women’s self-defence and training or studying fight directing and choreography for my films, also playing the drums and musical instruments with my indigenous band The Kingtones.

I have an organically grown women’s self-defence fightclub that trains MMA which is basically boxing, kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu when on the ground. Our fightclub is the foundation for the Honey Badgers. From training women I realized that they all have interesting stories, whether they choose to share it with you is their choice.

All of our actors train with the fightclub making it easier to choreograph our fights scenes. What we’re doing with this webseries is telling the most amazing, interesting stories using multimedia with a twist to it.

We teamed up with a production company and the rest is herstory.

Concrete Jungle TV is our window to the world TV internet channel where we will feature our Honey Badgers webseries and other links as well. On Concrete Jungle TV we have instructional videos, public service announcement, motivational videos to give you a view of what training is like in my Concrete Jungle which is the name of my fitness lifestyle company/brand and martial art as well as a place on earth where good things are manifest and bad things are seen as challenges and tests.
Stay Blessed!



Our most ambitious project to date is Our new webseries profiling the badass members of our Womans’ Fightclub.

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T.E.A.M. stands for Together. Everyone. Achieves. More.
This year has been the year of collaboration. Concrete Jungle has been teaming up with top experts in their fields to free the people. What it takes to reach our highest levels of vibration, our lifelong goal and our destiny is to lift while climbing which is a metaphor for having compassion and good karma. We have very interesting original projects to share that we are working on right now. We’re going to use this space to inform you of what’s happening now and in the near future please stay in the loop. Here is your update!


Our intense focus currently is dedicated to our women’s self-defence fightclub webseries inspired by Ronda Rousey. This has been our most challenging, ongoing mission which is to create content and edge of your seat films, bursting with exciting episodes that we produced for our first season. We thought it would be not only be interesting but imperative that we approach this on more than one front.

Anna Von training with Lee Turner
Anna Von training with Lee Turner

What’s coming very soon to your screen is this webseries of our women of Concrete Jungle Honey Badgers Fightclub members who enthusiastically agreed to subject themselves to potentially dangerous scenarios that have actually happened onto which we overlayed our exciting action filled alternate ending. This might be an extreme example but we live in a patriarchal society and this is what we have manifested. Many men don’t recognize boundaries and only understand force. Their vocabulary does not include the words, stop, no and don’t and they see no repercussions for their actions. Even though this may seem extreme it is also a reality for many women who have experienced intimidation tactics, real-time with no rehearsal. Avoidance doesn’t always work either. Since there is no right or wrong way to deal with this kind of obtrusive behavior, we collaborated a few ideas to help equalize this imbalance. We need to work toward building a more equitable society.


Ronda Rousey – Current (UFC) – Ultimate Fighting Championship World Champion


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Our first priority is to provide entertainment and content from a humanitarian, women come first, positive health and fitness, martial arts, lifestyle brand point of view. Meaning our intent is to show the pleasurable benefits of fitness and self-defence training for women in an empowering space that doesn’t sexualize or marginalize but instead empowers and uplifts these undercover female warriors who know who they are, who are downpressed by popular culture and stepped on for speaking out. We see You! Salute!

Ronda Rousey – Open Workout for her fans in Brazil

The Honey Badger is our totem for a style of jiu-Jitsu that we use in our Fightclub.
“They just don’t give a sh**!”…

If you live in Toronto and choose to change your life by choosing a lifestyle of fitness and self-defence we welcome you to contact us and come to the studio and let’s collaborate! Blessings.

Are You up for our Challenge? Issued by Concrete Jungle Fitness and Self-Defence

bolt olym

Speed Kills! In boxing there is a saying that goes… I hope You payed your hydro because it’s going to be lights out for You. Concrete Jungle has taken that phrase a step further. We are issuing a challenge to the entire WORLD online. We challenge anyone and everyone to put out a tea light with a punch. No touching it with said punch or anything else. NO CONTACT! NOTE:When You watch the video pay close attention to the lit candle on the table.

The backstory to this is that my friends and I were having a debate on what was seemingly possible and not possible. I said that Impossible was Nothing. They called me out and replied that I was only cliche and empty words repeated from Adidas.This got me thinking and prompted me to show and prove on the spot. I don’t usually give demonstrations that are so official, usually someone just wants me to show them a move or an escape but what they were asking for was proof of the supernatural. First I asked them to try it. After a lot of encouragement on my part they both tried it, unsuccessfully. That’s when we decided to extend the challenge to the world to make new friends and further the advancement of martial arts globally! If You found this challenge extremely difficult join a reputable gym near You or come train with Concrete Jungle where You can learn to have lethal technique. Remember with great power comes great responsibility. Technique is a tool that can be used for the greater good or for the worst evil, so Use it wisely.


While we have your attention we also want to show You the Best installments on our video library from ConcreteJungleTV. Check this out! Just Press Play.

Martial Arts: Science of the body? or Science of the mind? Get right or get left!

tumblr_m13wgjPWyf1qh5grto1_250Martial Arts is a discipline that is often misunderstood. It is the art of war played out between individuals instead of armies, even deeper, it is War played out internally instead of externally.

Through the years it has acquiring a reputation that’s hard to shake, of people saying it’s just about fighting only, its not going to help You on the street, that not all it’s practicioners can fight and that just because someone is a black belt it doesn’t mean that they are tough enough. They talk about how other fighting arts like boxing or kickboxing are better because they only teach techniques that You can use in full contact competition. People associate martial arts with mysticism and smoke and mirror tricks. They think when they see a martial artist break a few boards or bricks or bend spears that it is some kind of stunt. they think all the flashy moves are for show. They think the martial arts practitioner is a hypocrite for talking spiritually but not walking it every second of their life, no mistakes allowed. They assume martial artist are ego driven, power hungry, nerds that used to get beat up and had to learn to defend themselves (even though this could be true). It is assumed there is no concrete explanation for their seemingly superhuman abilities therefore it can’t be real. It is almost universally overlooked that Martial Arts is actually the science of the mind. This is true because the mind rules the body and it is imperative that the mind has to step back for the inner soul to shine through. It is the art of war played out between individuals instead of armies, even deeper, it is the art of war played out internally instead of externally.

I have been involved in martial arts over half my life and there was a time that I also was guilty of having these same prejudices. What I have discovered though is that fighting is just the inevitable conclusion in martial arts when all else fails. How can You negotiate with an enemy when they are armed either physically or mentally and You have no weapons? So martial arts is the great equalizer. Since there are so many ways to get attacked or enter into conflict, it is almost impossible to prepare for each individual scenario.  

Our approach to this problem is to link the person with their body, mind and spirit through rigorous training. This training is designed to break down the physical body to the point where it is willing to accept new programming in order to overcome the exercise that it previously failed at. Our human body from birth and even sooner, from conception only wants to improve it’s condition. Self-perfection. Just like how a tree only wants to grow big and move towards the sun, our body wants to heal and be as efficient as possible in it’s energy consumption in order to continue to heal, grow and reproduce cells to stay alive. All this happens subconsciously, however a qualified martial arts instructor is aware of this process and knows it is their duty to use this process to take the practitioner to a higher level of excellence.

Even though there are infinite scenarios in which we can be attacked there are only a finite amount of weapons we have at our disposal to defend ourselves. The martial artist learns to use every one of these physical weapons through repetitive movements. We train the body for movement, not for big muscles. In nature there are few things more beneficial than true functional strength. Functional strength is gained through muscle endurance, cultivated over an extended period of time such as the time it takes to get a black belt, or time it takes to get farmer strong, approximately 5 years.  

There are many different styles of meditation, all designed to take us on the inner journey, the path less travelled. this is how we truly make contact and form a relationship with our true self. Our soul. Once that unity is achieved fighting is just a formality or a technicality which doesn’t have to happen. Bullys pick fights they believe they can win. It is more difficult for them to see as a victim someone who has is trained and has made a body, mind and spiritual connection that shows subliminally or even outwardly. This now becomes more of a mental warfare.  

Martial arts is a moving meditation. It questions everything  You think and forces You to alter Your core beliefs. This is true because people often come looking for help but failing to realize that You can never solve a problem with the same energy that caused it. So what is needed is a change in thinking. Here’s what it looks like after all the training and hard work has already been done. In moving meditation we first learn to quiet the mind. It’s job is only to observe as a witness what happened and if intervention is required then the mind must be flexible, able to change shape according to the situation and improvise, in a Jazz kind of way. This is the same for all spiritual meditative practices. The only difference is that in this scenario someone is trying to kill You while You do this. This is also true in non-contact styles because visualization plays a big part so in the mind the conflict is still real.

Black Belt means not that You are an expert but that You have mastered your basics. With basics mastered fighting can now be a spiritual practice because the body instictively already knows what to do and now that It has been taught the technique and the timing and the distancing and the core strengthening, intent, energy direction, to not quit and to persevere among other things. It’s up to You the practitioner to sit back and be the observer in the NOW and allow the body to do just that, defend itself, with no blockages. Any intervention should be You stopping yourself from finishing them off.

Now go train. Bless

Concrete Jungle TV is here!!! Sports, MMA, Women’s Self-Defence, Entertainment and Instruction.

Concrete Jungle’s new media is right now shaking down network TV! We have our own online TV channel! Now You can easily watch our videos for entertainment and instructional purposes, just don’t try everything You see here at home. Take a look in our eyes and see what we see. You can view our extensive online video collection anytime you want to from our very own video library which you can easily subscribe to at no charge! -One Love

My name is Lee Turner. The Concrete Jungle style of martial arts and fitness was founded in the year 2000 at the turn of the century by me. In the 90’s I was designated a 3rd degree Black Belt in various martial arts with a particular skill set that translates very well into all styles of fighting and self-defence. I am currently a martial arts consultant, a world class martial arts instructor, a personal trainer specializing in functional strength and weight loss and am currently operating out of downtown Toronto, Ontario at Yonge and Bloor.

I Love meeting new people and I welcome You to come in and try a workout or tell a friend about us.

My clients are very interesting and extremely diverse. From Judges to Cirque du Soleil performers. People with high stress jobs seek us out. Actors, basketball players, doctors, executives…etc. We are all about adopting a new full immersion lifestyle, livity. One of eating consciously and training for a bigger reason than how you look in the mirror without diminishing the truth that what we experience visually when looking in the mirror will always be a factor concerning the intensity of our workouts. During the course of our training, we are going to address physical health, mental health and spiritual health. All are necessary for balance. My job is to guide you to be the best You, You can be and there is no better way to measure improvement than to master the art of life.

Concrete Jungle offers:
Women’s self-defence and fitness group classes (C.A.T) Counter Assault Training
Personal Training for anyone
Small Group training for open group or exclusive for You and your friends.
Fight shows for grudge fights, charities, corporations.
Small group MMA Classes

Contact us and come in NOW for a free workout!

Everything You thought You knew about Self-Defence is WRONG! Here’s why…

Multiple Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu World Champion and Abu Dhabi no-gi World Champion Kyra Gracie

When we refer to self as in self-defence what we are really talking about is the entire universe being in harmony with itself and then there is this one being or group that is resonating at a destructive frequency, similar to what a cancer cell is to the human body. First we should define the term self.  When used in this context it is really referring to the ability to understand that we are all one.  There is no me. There is no You. There is us though. If you defend only yourself and that threat goes on to assault someone else then You were not successful. It was not neutralized. To defend ourselves means we should also extend our protection from only our person to all people on this planet which we all share.

To be a good citizen of the planet You must protect yourself and everyone else as well.  Fortunately violence is the last step in self-defence and not the first. The first step in self-defence is awareness. This is the key to life. From when we can look at things with our full consciousness we can get a sense of possibilities available. If someone is acting like they may cause trouble and they’re walking towards you on the sidewalk, and If you are aware of your surroundings you may decide to cross the street before they get to you.  

Remember this, every stranger is not your enemy, some strangers might actually be your friend and come to your aid in the event of an attack or potential attack. They might be reluctant to help you though if you just walked by them and treated them like a criminal when they did nothing wrong. So try not to pre-judge your fellow human being because that is the cause many conflicts in this world.  It’s a balancing act because intuition is one of our strongest abilities. Learn to trust your intuition but first you must be able to see things and situations clearly so pre-judging doesn’t cloud your good judgement.  It’s a good idea to learn as much as possible about other cultures so as to not offend other people who think differently from You. For example everything you do in the corporate world will get you killed on the wrong street. Turning your back on a thug will leave you with no head back left. Flashing cash on the wrong street will leave you broke and possibly beaten if you don’t hand it over. Ignoring someone, making them feel invisible is the number one way to get hurt on the mean streets. With some people confronting them will make them second guess. With other people keep moving while talking your way out might work better. While some others only understand force.

Sometimes a potential attacker might engage you to probe for weakness. They want to see if you’r a sucker or not.  Once you prove yourself it de-escalates. They don’t have the right to do this but that’s the reality of what happens on the street. All the training in the world might not help you in a physical confrontation. Weak people attack other people.  This means they will probably trick you first so they can get an advantage. All an attacker wants is an easy prey.  They don’t want to work really hard for it and they don’t want to get injured because that will slow their hustle. They want someone with headphones on, talking on the phone, distracted.  A woman digging in her purse for her keys. They want someone already acting scared so they can say don’t move and You freeze. They want someone who leaves their car door open in a dark underground garage. If you can show that you don’t fit their profile of what a victim is then you may get away without violence. Many attacks happen from people we know.  Many women and their boyfriends kick off. This is called a domestic dispute.  We’re not pointing fingers but what do you do when your girlfriend is so pissed off she wants to kick your ass and she’s strong or skilled enough to do it. Hopefully intuition says leave the premises.

Self-defence also includes defending the planet because if the planet doesn’t survive then neither will we. Self-defence also includes protecting loved ones, animals, anyone that cannot defend themselves and those that can. If one person stands up to a bully other people will also find the courage, so in this case using your voice or showing intent to get physical through actions can be crucial in de-escalating a bad situation.

 Attackers are master manipulators and to even the playing field You must learn to be one too. Your mind is your greatest weapon you posess. Appearing to agree with them or giving the impression that they have the upper hand is a good strategy to insure that they get overconfident and make a mistake that you will be able to capitalize on since You set it up that way by being proactive.

Here are the 4 steps to Self-Defence

1. Awareness

2. Avoidance

3. Negotiate (talk your way out)

4. get Physical

This is my client Margo talking about how she used her training to successfully defend herself!

This is Karen talking about my C.A.T Self-Defence program!

Think of me as your resource for self-defence and fitness for You and your network of friends! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

To join our Counter Assault Program (C.A.T) and learn how to defend yourself please contact us below and leave a reply and we will contact you and set you up in one of our small group classes which are ongoing and continually forming.

Have you ever thought to try Personal Training for fitness? This is available upon your request! -Bless

What does the word MENTOR mean to you?

In martial arts there is always a master and apprentice.  They say they come in two’s like the Sith in Star Wars.  Nowadays the modern term is mentor and student but it means the same thing.  Examples of mentors in movies are Professor X leader of the X-Men.  Tony Stark  who is Iron Man in the Avengers.  Jor-El, Kal-El’s father in Superman.  In real life Oprah Winfrey plays a huge mentor role to a lot of people, also there was Mother Theresa. The truth is that usually our mothers were our first mentors then perhaps our fathers or we just branched out into the world until we found someone to take us under their guidance and show us how the world works.  When I branched out it was to my coaches in sports but they didn’t really act as mentors.  I don’t remember my coaches really delivering any life messages.  They just wanted us to get ready for the next game.  Forget about our last loss and Win as a team.  

It wasn’t until I arrived at martial arts in my early teens that I met someone who took the time to explain athletics to me in a spiritual way.  It wasn’t that he was reading to me or preaching to me or anything like that. No mumbo, no jumbo.   Spirituality in the martial arts is very direct. What he said was that I should be able to break a board with a punch. When  I looked at the board it seemed impossible to me and I told him so.  He said that if you don’t believe then you won’t break the board.  If you only intend to hit the board and not go through it then that’s exactly what will happen and that hurts.  You are this board and this board is You. Then he never let  me break it until I went to my first belt test for yellow stripe. When I broke the board during my grading it was then that I understood that the board was an analogy for barriers within my mind. The board didn’t even really need to exist because with the proper mindset whatever that barrier is made out of if it’s physical or mental or spiritual, it would have broken the same way.  That’s a mentor.  

My instructors would show me something and let me figure it out with their guidance and always relate it back to how everything is interconnected.  In martial arts the saying goes that you fight how you train.  My trainers would watch everyday behavior in the gym and say as a result of correcting this it’s going to carry over into your everyday life and make you a champ there too.  Now that’s a mentor.  

My trainer would say that you can’t rush training.  It’s a lifestyle so we’re not going to cram for the exam just because you have a tournament to compete in tomorrow. We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing which is chasing perfection which is impossible to achieve but worth searching for.  

I told my kickboxing mentor that I was tired during training one day and he said tired  people can’t talk and they definitely don’t stand up and talk, how about I stop training you and we’re just friends?! I never said that to him again.

My Jiu-Jitsu mentor was watching me one day and he says to me Lee Jiu-Jitsu is a microcosm of life so what you’re doing right now is going for the submission before getting the position, I bet this is what is going on in your life right now too.  And it was, he was right.  I was working on a lot of projects at the time and not getting anything finished.

In conclusion a mentor is that rare person who can connect all the dots for you and show it to you in a way that you can now learn to connect the dots for others.  It is their duty and sacred trust to instill in you that it’s a responsibility to pass it on to the next person that you can help allowing this legacy of information transfer to continue.  

So choose your mentor wisely, make sure it’s someone who you believe in and who believes in You. Get the message they’re trying to give you and find your own path eventually once the apprenticeship is over which generally lasts  4 or 5 years.

 Eventually, this way what you’ve learned will  be assimilated and become a part of your art and an expression of yourself.  There’s a quote that goes seek not to be like the masters of old but to seek what they sought. -Unknown

Fightclub News Update 

Women’s self-defence classes will be resuming every saturdays at 2! Message for details and to reserve your spot.

Our Docudrama will be continuing this fall season featuring the newest addition to our fightclub, Chelise the lioness of Concrete Jungle! This girl is on fire! 

Personal Training and small group training available for You. Message us for a free trial! 





Do women have any Business fighting??

This is an age old question? I don’t want to answer the question for you, just to supply you with food for thought. The situation right now is about Ronda Rousey the MMA fighter that did the highlight move of the year last year when she tore that poor girls Meisha Tate’s arm off and took it home with her in a MMA fight. I published an article about it when it happened and it received the largest response of all my blogs thus far. Dana White the president of the UFC was also watching the fight and just recently he signed Rhoussey to the UFC as their first women’s champion. She will be fighting next month in February. Now the problem is that no one is sure that women’s MMA is popular enough to make it feasible for the big companies that sponsor UFC fighters such as Nike and Burger King to get involved with them. The outcome of the attendance and PPV buys of this UFC event will be significant. The UFC will be headlining a women’s match for the belt For the first time ever. this will be a fight that will determine if Women’s MMA will be a significant draw or be discontinued altogether.


This February 23 all eyes will be on this headline fight for UFC 157 to answer the question. Do women have any business fighting?


Are we interested in women’s MMA because the women are hot? Is it because of their high level of skill? I’ve been doing an unofficial poll of people I know and there is a huge division on this issue. Ronda is an Olympic medalist in Judo as you can see in the following picture if you look closely (sarcasm). Why wouldn’t someone want to see her skillfully kick the crap out of someone?


There are two trains of though on Women’s MMA. A majority of women who I have talked to believe that female fighters shouldn’t have to sell themselves out to get noticed.

A majority of guys who I have talked to believe that it doesn’t matter how sexy the female MMA fighters are. They say women don’t have enough killer instinct to warrant spending their money on PPV which is how companies such as UFC get paid. These guys are not lovers of techniques. These are the people who want knockouts and more blood. If it were amateur where the fighter pays to fight, appaently that would be ok. Their thing is that pro fighters get paid and these alpha males who are paying customers don’t think the women are up to standard.



Personally I fully support the idea of women’s MMA or women’s fighting of any kind. If they want to fight then let them. As a martial artist I am what’s called a technician. Everything I do is extremely technical. I like to watch all kinds of fights so I can learn what techniques work and which ones don’t and how techniques are being applied successfully in combat currently. The game is constantly changing. There’s a new women’s MMA fight league that is producing the best female fighters in the world right now. It’s called InvictaFC. They’re having their fight card tomorrow which is Saturday, and you can bet that Dana White the UFC president and the whole world will be watching to see who the next big thing is in women’s MMA and to see who can possibly challenge Rhonda for her throne.

Video streaming by Ustream

Let’s get your thoughts on the Women’s MMA.

Do you think it should exist?
Do you think it will continue to exist?
Do you think these women are selling out by selling sex?
Would you prefer to watch women fight or men or does it matter?

please leave comments!