
Personal Training in Toronto by Lee Turner the Former World Champion




Watch the Final Edition to our Women’s Bootcamp Fightclub Docudrama. 4-part mini-series conclusion contains new footage of UFC TUF TV-show starring current womens’ champion Rousey vs. Tate.


What we found out is that each one of us is a dreamer and an actor,and a teacher, a student, a princess, and a beautiful story.

Ok, so class turned out to be a lot more demanding than anyone anticipated. This is the nature of all athletics. When you begin you have to go through a transition where your body gets stronger an adapts to the rigors of your chosen sport. This is where most people quit. In martial arts the biggest drop out rate is white belt. The second most popular drop out rate is green belt which takes approximately a year and the third most popular is right before black belt.

Here’s a breakdown of the program and it’s future

Now we know that we have a program that works and we know how it looks on camera. All we need to do next time is have try-outs like how the UFC does, and start with more people because the odds are out of 10 all 10 will quit. We need to start with 40 to get 10 solid women who will last to the end of the course.

Here are my favourite clips. There were so many clips to go through in the previous episodes so I found the best ones and put them together for you to browse through.

Bonus favourite Video

This is the conclusion of our 4 part women’s bootcamp fightcub mini-series. Please let us know your thoughts and whether you want to see us attempt this insane project again. Right now we are seeking sponsorship. Look out for our next project which will be a better version of this successful docudrama mini-series. We are also coming out with podcasts on martial arts culture and experiences. We’re doing this because You requested something to listen to while driving or have your hands and eyes otherwise occupied. We’re also coming with instructional videos in the very near future so stay in the loop!

Here’s some information about the company Concrete Jungle.

I am Lee Turner the CEO of Concrete Jungle. We are a martial arts style, a brand, a lifestyle and multi-media company with members worldwide.

We specialize in one-to-one PERSONAL TRAINING located downtown Toronto at Yonge and Bloor. We also specialize in women’s self-defence customized programs like (fightclub), boxing, fitness bootcamps and training and nutrition information. We customize this for one person, two people, a small group of friends or large groups.

For your convenience, our programs include super-fun beginner classes specifically designed to teach fitness and self-defence for women in a non-intimidating setting. This program is called C.A.T or Counter Assault Training. it has all the most effective bootcamp body strengthening techniques as well as how to apply those moves and many more in a user friendly, safe environment.

We are accepting clients NOW, in advance of the anticipated September rush that marks the end of summer and beginning of fall.

A. Come in right now to our gym Florida Jacks at Yonge and Bloor. It’s best to call first 6475290252 or email or leave a message in the box below so I can contact YOU and meet you asap.

B. Receive a free evaluation. Anyone who comes in NOW, before the end of August and mentions this Docudrama will get a free session!

C. You can register for one of our three program.

Register for:

1. Personal training

2. Semi-private personal training which is You and a friend and a trainer or

3. Small-group training or large group training.

Our programs mostly include fun things such as weights, functional body strength training which includes the stability ball among other tools, along with boxing in our ring using focus pads, bag work and self-defence.

If you sign up for 3 months after that first free evaluation when we meet You will get a free session.

Who should you tell? Everyone! Please Share! If you tell a friend and they sign-up you will receive a free session, and if you tell two friends who sign-up you will receive 2 free sessions!!

4. Be Happy!

Here’s bonus trailer footage of the UFC’s new season of The Ultimate Fighter tv show with a similar theme of women competing, but on FOX. Coming soon in September with Rhonda Roussey vs. Meisha Tate as the coaches for their teams composed of women and men all living in the house together. Which one do you prefer?? Theirs or ours?

This concludes our Docudrama!!!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in our project and look forwards to working with you all again in the very near future!

One Love

Women’s MMA bootcamp Docudrama Episode III: One set of footprints in the sand


So Here’s how it started. I created a bootcamp class strictly for the women to teach them self-defence in a fun, electrifying, empowering environment that can only be compared to MMA. Out of those who were called, the chosen were few. We ended up with a team of 10 diamonds in the dirt! everyone with crazy potential. Many coming from different roads of life. We poured our hearts into using world champion training techniques and tools to propel them forwards to their goal of possibly competing in a ring or cage. The journey was incredible!

Here’s what we saw.

Recap: Here’s a stunning video of the first group who may have found it a bit too challenging, except Allison in the top right corner who you will be introduced to in this episode.

Their first time the women from the re-formed group all got together to train was a pressure cooker. We noticed that they were eyeing each other sideways. This is normal for them to want to size up your potential competition and even to establish a hiearchy amongst themselves. Also some of them would miss the rope skipping and become visibly frustrated. Think of this as a character test revealing what could carry over into their fighting style and become problematic in the future. As instructors, having a camera present really helps to sharpen our abilities, similar to how instant replay did for football and other sports.

If you have been paying attention then you saw last episode where Allison gets chewed out by her sister! Here’s her story.

Here’s the incident that preceded the argument!

The most important thing is to believe in your coach or trainer 100
percent and for them to believe in you. Without that rapport you have nothing. Martial arts are rare arts because they focus on body mind and spiritual unity, equally. This is similar to yoga but yoga doesn’t address the external conflict, only internal. Every martial art has an external and an internal style. Did you know that martial arts is an apprenticeship? There’s a master and an apprentice. Even though there may be other students. Each student has a unique apprenticeship with their instructor. Master refers to master of self. Not master of another. Later the apprentice advances and earns the title master and will seek an apprentice to teach all they know and it continues on from there. You pay it forward. You should want to keep the fire burning. Which means the passion. Mike Tyson’s trainer Cus D’Amato said it best. ” Give me a spark and I’ll turn it into a raging inferno”

Our true intention is to teach these women how to really defend themselves. They need to know how to stand and also to fight on the ground where a man might want to get them. We train scenarios and disect strategies with them so we can be sure that they work even in the worse case scenarios. In jiu-jitsu there is a saying. On the ground everyone is the same size. So for this I had to bring in the big guy. Using good technique makes it almost impossible for someone to hold you down if you really want to get up. Ed makes it look easy.

The jab is the sonar on your battleship! it finds the target. Once you acquire your target you let go your big gun, which in this case would be your right cross! Jab is the love so what does that make the right? The jab send them to the hospital so you know where the right is going to send them, right!?

The following week no one showed up. There was no phone call. No message, No one showed up so I made a fitness video to send to them to possibly motivate them. I hope it worked. I hope they come back. Maybe it was because it was the hottest day of the summer thus far. Then again they did promise to finish the course and not miss classes though…

As I was training these women I couldn’t help but wonder if I was asking too much of them. Were my expectations too high? It’s very difficult to learn complete self-defence. This generation isn’t cut from the same cloth as my generation where there were so many international and world champions around for us to compete against and sharpen ourselves and people would fight just for the fun of it.

As I contemplate how this intensive training really separates the sheep from the goats I realize that training is something that cannot be rushed. As in all things you must first build the legs to support what you put on the table.

I believe many people are hawks and can fly and don’t realize it. They think they are chickens and stuck on the ground just like the other chickens they associate with. Time will tell.

All these things are running through my mind as I train myself in an empty dojo on a saturday afternoon and contemplate why there’s only one set of footprints in the sand.

Stay tuned for the final Episode IIII of our women’s MMA bootcamp Docudrama coming soon!

For your information.

This Docudrama is a project that was made with Love and that I teach with Ed and Joel. My daily focus is one to one and semi-private personal training. This is what I do every day with my clients. They are very interesting, hard working professionals who have fitness goals, sometimes train with weights, are seeking weight loss, muscle tone and require enjoyable productive, creative workouts at convenient times. We train during the day, on lunch break, some like after work, or first thing in the morning, it can be at my gym or your weight room. If this interests you then please message me and we can discuss how we’re going to transform you and then we’re going to actually make it happen. Are you’re ready? Let’s Go!

Women’s Bootcamp Fightclub Docudrama Episode 2: The Journey is the Destination

Like I said before, this type of training is not for everyone. When you commit to training in the fighting arts or martial arts You are on a path of self-perfection. The paradox is that there is no such thing as perfect. This path never ends as long as we live because we continue to improve. The bad news is that this makes our goal unattainable. The good news is that a life spent training to improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually is a life well lived! Watch as these alpha females take their first step into the unknown. Don’t forget to watch the bonus video at the very end!

Meet some of the team!

Training together bonds everyone together as a team. The more the team feels like they are a team the more likely they are to stick it out when the going gets tough. In the following video we’re having a bootcamp session involving core training.

The jab is equivalent to the radar on you battleship or the tip of your spear. It is used to find the opponent. Takes the least amount of energy to throw, out of all the punches. When used properly it is from the intelligence gathered by the jab that dictates what happens next in a fight. this is what we are training in this next video.

The last time we saw Stacey was shortly after shooting this amazing hand pad workout…

A huge part of what we’re trying to do is teach these women self-defence. This is the most important aspect of martial arts. Our self-defence training program is called C.A.T (Counter Assault Training). Self-defence is a right that everyone should exercise.

So what happens in this industry is that people come and go. Luckily it’s usually in balance so that as someone leaves, someone arrives to replace them. The second session it was like a whole new group when some of the original members failed to show up.

Here’s some clips of the next generation talking about their workout.

We hope You liked Episode 2. Stay tuned for number 3 coming soon. You will see more techniques and actual sparring as the next generation trains to become the next superstars.

Please share this with your network of friends!

I also specialize in one to one personal training and fitness combining weights and functional strength. If you have weight loss goals or fitness goals I can create a program for you and we can team up on achieving those goals.

We are accepting new students to train continually.
We are also looking to manifest sponsorships so we can continue on this path.
It’s our blessing to train women who want to learn self-defence in a positively charged environment. Think of Concrete Jungle when you think self-defence and recommend us to your friends.Thank-You in advance.

Watch this BONUS VIDEO of all the excitement going down in Episode 3.

Here I am trying to explain the value of letting go of anger, all because someone was punched in the head. They’re not having it… the tension is real!

Toronto’s only Women’s Mma, Bootcamp, Fightclub Docudrama:Episode 1

This is what they had to say:

We came out expecting to get into better shape.

We were just looking to do something different.

We did not plan on this journey being so transformative.

It definitely is a great method of finding your true self.

We inadvertently learned about unity of self, and the path of self-perfection through addressing the conflict which exists within us all.

It’s basically a course in conflict management on the psychological and on the physical level.

They trained us in a way that we understand how to apply these techniques in all aspects of our lives.

It’s a gamechanger where we’ve learned to make strategically correct choices in bad situations.

It gives the phrase empty your mind a whole new meaning. It is impossible to fight effectively when your mind is full of yourself. You learn to let go.

We knew what was coming but what we got was all that and more!

There are so many crazy things that happen behind the scenes. Unfortunately there’s not enough cameras to catch it all.

To train a group of women to become elite fighters is interesting and very difficult. There are personality clashes, ego trips, and moments of truth. The first step was to get the team to gel together.


There are two ways to unify a team. One is through comraderie as in having good times together and taking photos. The other is through fear and a common enemy.

Sun Tzu said that to unify a team you must place them in the middle of their enemy and they will unite against their common foe. This is why I brought the guys in. Their playing the frenemy role. If these soon to be Ultimate Fighters can train and spar against men as well as each other and hold their own then their confidence will be high.

In the following clip I’m training the women’s fightclub and I walk away to the other side of the room. They proceed to warm up and I come back to ask who wants to go in to the ring and everyone gets shook! The tension is real!







I had to get the best martial artists out there so I enlisted Ed Vandrus. Ed is helping us on this and it wouldn’t be the same without him. I’ve known him and worked with him for over 20 years. So it’s not our first BBQ.


Girl vs. Guy! Who wins?? This would be a dream fight! Jiu-Jitsu was designed for a weaker person to be able to defend themselves against someone bigger and stronger. Let’s see how it plays out in this video against our secret weapon Joel who is 6’5 weight unknown!!

The reality of this type of training is that it’s not for everyone. It takes a certain type of mentality to welcome being in direct conflict with another being on this earth and where the goal is to make them give up. It’s a paradox because the lessons you learn through this path are the keys to life. For ex. breathing, composure, intent, balance, relationships(how everything is related), focus, flexible mind, no mind. If you’ve never been in a fight then you don’t really know youself.

We don’t expect everyone that signs up to stay. This doesn’t stop us from trying our hardest though. It’s inevitable that 10 percent will stick it out and the rest are going to quit! That’s why this docudrama is going to showcase the successes and the failures. In this case quitting is not a failure. Sometimes we takes a couple steps back to take a running start. So they may come back again and the door is always open. They are still and always will be Concrete Jungle.

Let’s see whose paying attention! Only one person in this video makes it through to the next episode! Who do you think it is?? Whoever guesses correctly and gives a reason why gets a free training session at my gym Florida Jacks in downtown Toronto Canada!!

Follow this blog and stay tuned for more footage!!!

Episode II will showcase some moments with the members who are no longer with us and introduce you to the new Team and the new new team!

*Yes we are still accepting members for our classes so contact us to register.
*not filmed semi-private classes as well as personal training also available.