
Ronda Rousey former UFC Bantamweight champion valiantly tried but inevitably lost her belt to Holly Holm a former boxing champion and new UFC champion. Holly Holm shook down the only champion to ever hold a bantamweight belt or title in the UFC. It was a mugging but it wasn’t easy. What is was, was one of the most masterful performances in the Octagon ever!

We want to congratulate UFC’s newly crowned champion Holly Holm and also to add to that Ronda Rousey and womens MMA have been our motivation for our up and coming webseries affectionately called Honey Badgers. It is about these very tough daring women who dare to share their bold stories of assault prevention. They’re real examples of courage. They have MMA female fighters as peers and mentors to empower them with following through on their goal of self-actualization, who are all strong dominant women who don’t quit. Some they know personally, some are just being discovered and some are MMA pioneers who we have the privilege of following through social media and pay per views. These are the alpha women who are out there on the front line. Ten toes to the curb. Street. Front line soldiers. They are ambassadors for martial arts and it’s effectiveness. These are our heroes.

Our Webseries, Honey Badgers Insta teaser/trailer

Full Episodes coming soon….Please leave comments.

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