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T.E.A.M. stands for Together. Everyone. Achieves. More.
This year has been the year of collaboration. Concrete Jungle has been teaming up with top experts in their fields to free the people. What it takes to reach our highest levels of vibration, our lifelong goal and our destiny is to lift while climbing which is a metaphor for having compassion and good karma. We have very interesting original projects to share that we are working on right now. We’re going to use this space to inform you of what’s happening now and in the near future please stay in the loop. Here is your update!


Our intense focus currently is dedicated to our women’s self-defence fightclub webseries inspired by Ronda Rousey. This has been our most challenging, ongoing mission which is to create content and edge of your seat films, bursting with exciting episodes that we produced for our first season. We thought it would be not only be interesting but imperative that we approach this on more than one front.

Anna Von training with Lee Turner
Anna Von training with Lee Turner

What’s coming very soon to your screen is this webseries of our women of Concrete Jungle Honey Badgers Fightclub members who enthusiastically agreed to subject themselves to potentially dangerous scenarios that have actually happened onto which we overlayed our exciting action filled alternate ending. This might be an extreme example but we live in a patriarchal society and this is what we have manifested. Many men don’t recognize boundaries and only understand force. Their vocabulary does not include the words, stop, no and don’t and they see no repercussions for their actions. Even though this may seem extreme it is also a reality for many women who have experienced intimidation tactics, real-time with no rehearsal. Avoidance doesn’t always work either. Since there is no right or wrong way to deal with this kind of obtrusive behavior, we collaborated a few ideas to help equalize this imbalance. We need to work toward building a more equitable society.


Ronda Rousey – Current (UFC) – Ultimate Fighting Championship World Champion


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Our first priority is to provide entertainment and content from a humanitarian, women come first, positive health and fitness, martial arts, lifestyle brand point of view. Meaning our intent is to show the pleasurable benefits of fitness and self-defence training for women in an empowering space that doesn’t sexualize or marginalize but instead empowers and uplifts these undercover female warriors who know who they are, who are downpressed by popular culture and stepped on for speaking out. We see You! Salute!

Ronda Rousey – Open Workout for her fans in Brazil

The Honey Badger is our totem for a style of jiu-Jitsu that we use in our Fightclub.
“They just don’t give a sh**!”…

If you live in Toronto and choose to change your life by choosing a lifestyle of fitness and self-defence we welcome you to contact us and come to the studio and let’s collaborate! Blessings.