
Personal Training in Toronto by Lee Turner the Former World Champion



December 2012

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Your Body, Mind, Spirit guide to what’s next!

Welcome to the new era whose beginning is marked on the Mayan calendar Dec 21, 2012. There have been many misleading stories of what this event signifies.

One thing that is hardly addressed by mainstream media is something many of us were told to expect a long time ago. What many spiritual leaders have told us is supposed to happen is we are now in a position for a spiritual re-awakening. What this means is that our ability to connect with each other in a positive mental environment will be heightened. just like a long time ago our ancestors were able to intuitively know certain things without being taught. We are now interested to learn new things which we had no interest in before that are of a spiritual nature because we are seeking spiritual fulfillment. What this all boils down to is that we are more sensitive to spirituality and not only that, we are searching for it.

I’m here to act as your guide to show you where to go.

Although all arts are potential ways to the path. There are certain ways to the path which are universally accepted among those who are already there.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

Yoga is one of the most ancient arts. It means Union. Its a way to unite body, mind and spirit together as one. To master Yoga means to lose the ego. The benefits are priceless and immeasurable. It is a way of life amongst the most dedicated. Yoga is a way to the path which begins with physical training. This sometimes ends up being the entire focus of attention to where the life lessons and the principles required to reach the next level are neglected leaving the participants only in good shape with no enlightenment.

Auryveda is the art which uses alternative medicine along with the inherent principles of nature to mantain health in a person by keeping the persons body, mind and spirit in equilibrium with nature. This is most important for people wishing fight disease and to lose weight but without the physical techniques to accompany extreme nutrition it leaves the participants super healthy with no enlightenment.

Qigong is a form of internal martial arts. It was designed to focus your concentration so deeply that you can energize your internal organs, through the use of Qi which is internal energy. Thus increasing your lifespan and resistance to disease. Its is a mental route to take you to the path of enlightenment. It’s not very physical though so that’s why many people find it hard to stay focused therefore, again no enlightenment.

Weight training has everything you need but with Arnold Schwarzenegger as one of the founding fathers, it’s unfortunately taught as a physical discipline closer to vanity than spirituality.

Shamanism is too extreme for the general public involves altered states of consciousness. Religion is too confining. Buddhism takes too long. Pilates makes no claim to involve spirituality at all. So where do we go from here?

The secret is that’s its not about the art at all, its about the artist teaching the art. Let’s talk about teachers for a minute. A great teacher will have a method that will take you from beginner to mastery which is the level they themselves should be at. Mastery meaning not only will you be on a spiritual path but on a path that has no ending which leads to enlightenment. This is a case for the journey being the destination. Enlightenment is that brief moment when you can see or sense how everything fits together in the universe.

Are you ready to learn?
Every time you the student are shown how to take a lesson you learn during the course of your training and apply it to your life as a life lesson, you should get that tingly feeling that is only reserved for special moments. Every time your instructor takes the time to make sure you understand a technique inside out, You should salivate a little and get that warm fuzzy feeling as you realize this is food for your soul!
Martial arts is a way to the path of enlightenment designed to go first through the intense physical training, then through the mental then through the spirit. Once the body is thoroughly exhausted, the proper mentality will keep you going but once the mental is exhausted, where do you go?
There is only one place to go to achieve success when all else fails, and we all know where that is, that’s where our spirit resides. How do we raise the strength to raise our spirit? In this situation you need a master instructor of the art you wish to master, one who is conscious of the process it takes to awaken your spirit and take you to the next level of consciousness on life’s road! I can relate because I’m blessed to have been trained by master instructors and these are the lessons I was taught.

Training with me consists of the non-contact boxing and kickboxing, and self-defence which can lead to contact and competition if that is what you desire, and at all time being mindful that your greatest weapon is your mind. This is the beginning of the path to spirituality.

Below is a video about Bruce Lee and his philosophy regarding martial arts, which is similar to my own.

Below is a clip from a Jet Li movie Fearless where his character and another master are discussing the importance of the value of an art vs. the person using the art.

If you have a group of 3 to 10 people, contact me for small-group training that will change your life! I also do 1 to 1 personal training as well.

How to survive mass school shootings! (possible solutions)

Just the other day we all recently received the worst news anyone can get. It changed our lives as parents and as citizens and human beings. People are still angry, frustrated, in mourning and cannot see a way to prevent this from ever happening again. How can we stop this insanity?!

As a martial arts consultant it is my duty to come up with possible solutions to issues regarding self-defence. As long as the laws are what they are we need to take control of our own destiny!

And then there were the scenes of the schoolchildren helping one another, holding each other, dutifully following instructions in the way that young children sometimes do, one child even trying to encourage a grownup by saying, “I know karate, so it’s OK; I’ll lead the way out.”

-Barack Obama United States President