I have been involved in martial arts for over 24 years. I began my martial arts journey with taekwon-do, then went on to study karate, kickboxing, brazilian jiu-jitsu and MMA. I loved them all but I always seemed to be searching for the one complete art – the one that covered all possible scenarios. After years of training, I realized that there was no such system, and I realized that I had a choice. I chose to create my own system. I became an eternal student, studying different martial arts styles and taking elements from them to add to my own personal style – Concrete Jungle style. I continued to work at refining my style and competing to prove my techniques work. This is my creation, taken from my exposure to the forefront of modern martial arts and mixed martial arts around the world, and for the past ten years, in downtown Toronto.

I specialize in Women’s Self Defence because I have seen the difference that Concrete Jungle can make on women’s lives in particular. The Concrete Jungle style is a system for enhancing the mind, body and spirit. And, not only have I seen women use Concrete Jungle to completely change their shape – losing fat, toning up and building muscle – but I’ve seen them completely change their lives. It is so empowering to be in a situation and be able to pro-act – not acting from a position of fear, but from one of control. Many threatening situations never need to get physical – aggressors look for a weakness to exploit in their target, and through Concrete Jungle we discover what your weaknesses are and turn them into your strengths.

You are now tuned in for a life changing experience.   Our goal is to change one million lives through this blog/website.  Follow this blog by scrolling down and clicking the link under “Follow blog via email” on the bottom right hand side of the page. We’ll keep you  updated with current, relevant posts about what’s fresh in the Concrete Jungle world. Share this site with your colleagues, friends and loved ones as a hub for fitness, health and soul. Watch the training videos on The Channel, Concrete Jungle TV, to see some of the training we do to achieve our ultimate goals.

Watch for upcoming instructional training videos and podcasts to diminish any barriers to training you might have. We’ll also share the culture of martial arts, champions (of all sports), how to eat, train, think and build confidence by knowing that the skills we’ve developed are starting us on the road to mastery – and by knowing that the journey will never end because we will never stop learning.